This module illustrates in detail the process of rapport building, and by the end of the module your sales team will be competent and proficient in building rapport in few seconds. Rapport is a process of responsiveness, and is an elemental factor in effective and efficient sales process leading to a higher possibility of closing the sale.
This is a proven fact from our direct experience in sales that people buy if they are in rapport with you. Rapport is built by process of pacing and leading. Rapport is derived from three major elements.
This is the most significant constituent in process of rapport, as per the scientific research 55% of process of responsiveness is attained by pacing and leading the physiology. Physiology includes posture, gestures, facial expressions and breathing rate. Our training will utilize the technique of matching and mirroring with regard to posture, gestures and facial expressions. Matching means that you have the same posture, gesture and expressions as of the client, and mirroring implies that you are mirror image of the gestures and postures.
This process starts right at the time when you introduce yourself to your client or customer, and within few seconds you will build the rapport by naturally entailing matching and mirroring, and when you see that client is following you with your gestures and postures, you know that they are in rapport with you. The approach of pacing and leading. This element is significant in sales channels that consist of face to face, retail and business to business.
This is the second most significant element and contributes 38% towards the process of rapport. Tonality is based upon the voice and includes tone, tempo, timbre and volume. The process of rapport is based upon matching the pitch, speed and loudness of the voice.
h6>How we incorporate Tonality in sales process for enhancing sales
The training will illustrate in detail with exercises that how within seconds one can match the elements of voice and build rapport. This element is extremely important if the sales channel for your business is dominantly based upon call centres, as your team can learn the all important components of voice and by following the process of pacing and leading, building rapport on the phone.
The last component is words and constitutes 7% in the process of rapport. Words include identifying predicates, key words and content chunks. The fact that it constitutes very minimal in process of rapport highlights the significance of body language, however our training will illustrate why understanding the process behind words is quiet significant. it assists,
To deduce Modality
To determine content chunk
During our training we will lead your team how to use this information systematically in sales process.